Water Transfer
Buckeye Water specializes in high-volume, high-rate water transfer services through a variety of mobile piping systems including, environmentally safe, no-leak pipe systems, like lay flat hose, to support hydraulic fracturing. Our water transfer equipment includes more than 100 miles of transfer hose and 20 transfer pumps.
Water Sourcing
Buckeye Water is here to help you with water acquisition, storage and accumulation, water quality evaluation, and water transfer throughout the stages of the water cycle. We have substantial water supplies readily available for operator use in hydraulic fracturing.
Equipment Rentals
We are proud to offer rental equipment such as skid steers, manifold trailers, road crossings, transfer pumps, lay flat hose, and water transfer fittings.
Buckeye Water has a capable team ready to help accomplish your project goals. Our labor services include: hose rig up/ rig down, pumping, and hydraulic fracturing support.

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Contact Us
120 Eclipse Loop
Caprock, NM 88213
Phone: 432-940-1075
Email: buckeyewater@yahoo.com
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